Dr Urvisha Ram

The Pandemic has brought innovations in life science; there’s no doubt that the last two year has been a big boon for clinical research.

We have witnessed increased trials in the last few years, and clinical studies will increase shortly.

Advances & Innovation in a clinical trial:

There are numerous challenges in clinical trial activity. Some key challenges include data management, achieving excellence and accuracy in data generation and analysis, patient recruitment, compliance with regulatory guidelines, complex procedures, and lack of operational strategy.

Innovation and newer advances in clinical trials have a more significant impact on addressing the challenges of clinical trials.

Addressing challenges like faster recruitment of subjects and their retention and the rise of patient-centric trials approach and practices, this approach helps increase subjects’ participation in clinical trials. To integrate such techniques, a new model of care and inclusion is required to adopt digital components.

As we have witnessed the impact of digitalization. Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence has a worldwide impact. The development of Mobile devices, Apps, wearable devices and medical technology significantly improves subject data capturing in clinical trials.

Operational challenges in drug development are barriers to implementing the exact. Still, comprehensive resource planning helps accelerate the clinical trial planning from study startup to close of visit for all your clinical trial planning and strategy decisions, increasing the chances of your clinical trial success and saving any delays and trial failure.

Data Capturing, Management and analysis of data hold the leading role in the success of research directions and, finally, clinical trials outcome. Using technologies and innovations in devices and software can help capture complex data that is hard to capture manually. Improving such practices increases trial efficiency.

To the next generation trials, Decentralized trials – Future of Clinical Trials. The goal remains to make clinical trials easier for patients and CRO/Sponsor by reducing or eliminating travel or other activities, replacing them with other innovative solutions and considering a patient-focused approach to clinical trial design. Yet when it comes to adopting such a model, there are pros and cons that clinical trial teams may face when trying to be decentralized.

The Future: Adopting new technologies but using suitable technologies to enable the efficient delivery of your clinical trial study is central to future clinical research directions. It would help if you had a good strategy for smoothly delivering your services. Innovations and advancements will streamline trials across all platforms and systems, generate better efficiency, and reduce quality non-compliances and inconsistencies.

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